Our foundation, the Nonprofit Financial Sustainability Foundation assist non-profits worldwide with a technological platform, MyCampaignDirector®, to create and implement annual strategic fundraising plans.
Everyone in the non-profit industry knows that Boards and their Executive Directors and staff must have in place an annual strategic fundraising plan to successfully raise the needed revenues at the end of each year. For over fifty years, this has been ingrained in our industry over and over in blogs, articles, webinars, educationalclasses, YouTube, and so many other informational platforms.
A typical example comes from Robert Schwartz, who wrote many years ago: "Over the years, it has become apparent that there is a greater need than ever for nonprofit organizations to have strong and carefully thought-out strategic annual fundraising campaigns.”
The sad story is that after fifty years, “Over 53% percent of nonprofits don’t develop an in-depth strategic plan for their fundraising initiatives” Link to download the survey:
We will highlight in future blogs professional fundraising authors that write about the necessity to have yearly fundraising plans, starting with a piece by Joe Garecht, a known fundraising consultant, author and speaker that helps non-profits increase the amount of money they raise